Christ has no body on earth but yours,

no hands but yours,

no feet but yours.

Yours are the eyes through which

Christ's compassion for the world is to look out;

Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;

and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.

- Saint Teresa of Avila

Habitat in Sante Fe, Argentina

This year's Global Village build will take place in Sante Fe, Argentina - a mere 6 hour bus ride from Buenos Aires. When the Salado River overflowed its banks into the City of Sante Fe in April 2003, more than 30,000 families were affected. According to estimates by UN experts, the impact on the province's gross national product was as damaging as that of the earthquakes in El Salvador. Prior to the flood, the city already had one of the highest poverty indexes and housing deficits in the country. A quarter of the city's inhabitants already lived in substandard housing settlements surrounded by garbage dumps and contaminated waters. Theft and violence, along with the contamination, are the biggest threats to decent living in Sante Fe.

Habitat Build

Habitat Build
"If I had a hammer......"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dinner in Gliwice

Okay, just to catch up on last night's activities I will give a brief recap. We all went to a restaurant by the town square and had a lot of the traditional Polish dishes. We did learn however there is no need to call ahead for seeting; however, if you want a drink at dinner, it is probably a good idea to call ahead of time and order it! We made it through dinner and then the beer and wine showed up - but guess it was appreciated even more! The drinks arrived just as we did a little team bonding over a game called 2 truths and a lie. We were divided into teams and as we went around you had to tell 2 truths about yourself and one lie. The other team had to guess which one was a lie. It was determined fairly quickly that there are some very competitive people on this team! It was fun and the game ended in a tie - depending on whose rules you were playing by, ha ha.
A group of us decided to walk over to town square for a night cap. It was a time of sharing more stories - many of which stemmed from what we learned about each other over dinner. For example my roommate Carmen is related to the man who wrote Waltzing Matilda. Her great great uncle was the worlds fastest Indian. (you may remember the movie - it was about him!!)
We shared more stories and of course laughed even more. We made it a relatively early night and headed back to the hotel Sezam. We knew it would be a big day on Tuesday.

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